- 1. Adding new widget
- 2. Widget “Welcome”
- 3. Widget “Sign-in/Sign-up”
- 4. Widget “Entity”
- 5. Widget “Stats”
- 6. Widget “General Map”
- 7. Widget “Weather”
- 8. Widget “Clock”
- 9. Widget “News”
- 10. Widget “Markdown”
- 11. Widget “Active Calls”
- 12. Widget “Tasks”
- 13. Widget “Entities list”
- 14. Widget “Available offerings”
- 15. Widget “Lots”
- 16. Widget “Chartist line”
1. Adding new widget
2. Widget “Welcome”

Picture 35. Welcome widget
selector key - ext-common/xm-widget-welcome
imageSrc - specifies the URL of an image
title - title name (Welcome to the! default value)
subtitle - title name (This is your homepage default value)
3. Widget “Sign-in/Sign-up”
Picture 36
selector key - xm-widget-sign-in-up
signUpEnabled - to hide registration posibilitites from widget (default value is true)
privacyAndTermsEnabled - to hide terms conditions and privacy policy agreemnet in registration (default value is false)
privacyAndTerms - localized list with links to markdown resources (example: { "en": "<link>" })
4. Widget “Entity”
Picture 37
selector key - ext-common-entity/xm-widget-entity
grid - contains row elements to build a layout
class - row classes (example: row)
content - contains column elements for build a layout
class - column classes (example: col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3)
component - entity component name. It could be:
5. Widget “Stats”
Picture 38
selector key - xm-widget-stats
stats - tag contains an array with configuration for each statistic block
name - name of statistic block
color - color of statistic block
icon - icon of statistic block based on Google Material Icons
query - search query based on Query Syntax. Total count header of query uses.
6. Widget “General Map”
Picture 39
selector key - ext-common-entity/xm-widget-general-map
groups - each groups will be present as button switcher with own visualization on the map
name - name of group of markers
color - hexidecimal color for marker pin on the map
query - search query based on Query Syntax. XM Entities locations of query uses.
7. Widget “Weather”
Picture 40
selector key - ext-common/xm-widget-weather
city - city name geocoding
8. Widget “Clock”
Picture 41
selector key - ext-common/xm-widget-clock
9. Widget “News”
Picture 42
selector key - ext-common/xm-widget-news
url - URL to the RRS content
size - count of news in widget that will be shown
10. Widget “Markdown”
Picture 43
selector key - xm-widget-md
content - markdown content
isEditable - to provide possibility edit content
11. Widget “Active Calls”
Picture 44
The widget uses Asterisk ARI interface and gets channels via credentials asterisk/asterisk. More about ARI API: List all active channels in Asterisk.
selector key - xm-widget-active-calls
12. Widget “Tasks”
Picture 45
selector key - ext-common-entity/xm-widget-tasks
rootTypeKey - root type key for tasks visualization.
13. Widget “Entities list”
Picture 46
selector key - ext-common-entity/xm-widget-entities-list
entities - tag contains array with configuration for each entity
typeKey - entity key from Entity Specification
query - search query based on Query Syntax without typeKey field.
name - entity localized name via map structure. For example: { "en": "Cars", "ru": "Машины" }
fastSearch - Fast Search functionality used to speed up entities selection on the widget page
name - name of searchable section
query - search query based on Query Syntax
fields - tag contains array with displayed fields
field - name of general entity or dataSpec parameters. For example: name, description,, etc.
title - column localized name via map structure
action - container for the action button configuration
name - action button localized name via map structure
functionKey - LEP function name with action logic
14. Widget “Available offerings”
Picture 47
selector key - ext-common-entity/xm-widget-available-offerings
query - search query based on Query Syntax
functionKey - alternative option to search available offerings through the LEP function call. It should be used without query. LEP function could implement business logic: exclude already ordered offerings, provisioning, charging, etc.
action - container for the action button configuration
enabled - true to show action button (default value is false)
name - action button localized name via map structure
functionKey - LEP function name with action logic
15. Widget “Lots”
Picture 48
selector key - xm-widget-lots
16. Widget “Chartist line”
Picture 49
selector key - ext-common-entity/xm-widget-chartist-line
name - name of chart list
size - count of points by X coordinates
series - tag contains array with configuration for each chart line block (Limitation: it implemented only for one series)
name - name of chart line block
query - search query based on Query Syntax. Total count header of query uses.
sort - is used to sort the data by field in ascending or descending order
labelSelector - data selector for the labels - X coordinates labels
seriesSelector - data selector for the values - Y values
options - tag contains array with configuration params specified for Chartist Line chart
axisX - options for X-Axis
offset - the offset of the labels to the chart area
position - the position where labels are placed. Can be set to start or end where start is equivalent to left or top on the vertical axis and end is equivalent to right or bottom on the horizontal axis.
labelOffset - allows correcting label positioning on this axis by positive or negative x and y offset. { x: -20, y: 0 }
showLabel - if labels should be shown or not
showGrid - if the axis grid should be drawn or not
labelInterpolationFnc - interpolation function that allows you to intercept the value from the axis label
type - set the axis type to be used to project values on this axis. If not defined, Chartist.StepAxis will be used for the X-Axis, where the ticks option will be set to the labels in the data and the stretch option will be set to the global fullWidth option. This type can be changed to any axis constructor available (e.g. Chartist.FixedScaleAxis), where all axis options should be present here.
axisY - options for Y-Axis
offset - the offset of the labels to the chart area
position - the position where labels are placed. Can be set to start or end where start is equivalent to left or top on the vertical axis and end is equivalent to right or bottom on the horizontal axis.
labelOffset - allows correcting label positioning on this axis by positive or negative x and y offset. `{ x: 0, y: 0 }
showLabel - if labels should be shown or not
showGrid - if the axis grid should be drawn or not
labelInterpolationFnc - interpolation function that allows you to intercept the value from the axis label
type - set the axis type to be used to project values on this axis. If not defined, Chartist.AutoScaleAxis will be used for the Y-Axis, where the high and low options will be set to the global high and low options. This type can be changed to any axis constructor available (e.g. Chartist.FixedScaleAxis), where all axis options should be present here.
scaleMinSpace - this value specifies the minimum height in pixel of the scale steps
onlyInteger - use only integer values (whole numbers) for the scale steps
width - specify a fixed width for the chart as a string (i.e. '100px' or '50%')
height - specify a fixed height for the chart as a string (i.e. '100px' or '50%')
showLine - if the line should be drawn or not
showPoint - if dots should be drawn or not
showArea - if the line chart should draw an area
areaBase - the base for the area chart that will be used to close the area shape (is normally 0)
lineSmooth - specify if the lines should be smoothed. This value can be true or false where true will result in smoothing using the default smoothing interpolation function Chartist.Interpolation.cardinal and false results in Chartist.Interpolation.none. You can also choose other smoothing / interpolation functions available in the Chartist.Interpolation module, or write your own interpolation function. Check the examples for a brief description.
low - overriding the natural low of the chart allows you to zoom in or limit the charts lowest displayed value
high - overriding the natural high of the chart allows you to zoom in or limit the charts highest displayed value
chartPadding - Padding of the chart drawing area to the container element and labels as a number or padding object {top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5, left: 5}
fullWidth - when set to true, the last grid line on the x-axis is not drawn and the chart elements will expand to the full available width of the chart. For the last label to be drawn correctly you might need to add chart padding or offset the last label with a draw event handler.
reverseData - if true the whole data is reversed including labels, the series order as well as the whole series data arrays.
classNames - override the class names that get used to generate the SVG structure of the chart object { chart: 'ct-chart-line', label: 'ct-label', labelGroup: 'ct-labels', series: 'ct-series', line: 'ct-line', point: 'ct-point', area: 'ct-area', grid: 'ct-grid', gridGroup: 'ct-grids', vertical: 'ct-vertical', horizontal: 'ct-horizontal', start: 'ct-start', end: 'ct-end' }