This section contains information about role configuration and user management for Administrator.

If you need to create an account for the new user as an Administrator, you’ll need to select User Management in the Administration menu (Picture 19). Moreover, on the User management page, Administrator can block, edit and delete users. 

Picture 19. User management tab

After you’ve selected User management you’ll need to press Add button, in the bottom-right corner of the page, in order to create new user (Picture 20). 

Picture 20. User Management page

After you’ve pressed on the Add button, Create or edit a user will pop-up (Picture 21). In this form, you’ll need to fill all of the needed fields in order to create new user and press SAVE button.  

Picture 21. Create or edit a user form

New user will get activation emailin order to set a password (Picture 22) and will appear in the Users list in the User Management (Picture 23). 

Picture 22. Activation form for new user

Picture 23. User list