- 1. Main concept
- 2. Root element and types
- 3. Fast Search
- 4. Names
- 5. Functions
- 6. Attachments
- 7. Calendars
- 9. Locations
- 10. Rating
- 11. States
- 12.Tags
- 14. Example
1. Main concept
Domain Objects is the main feature of the 2 that allows users to configure different Business Entities from any Domain area without development. This was made possible by an Entity Specification yaml file.
Picture 18. Main concept
2. Root element and types
The file starts with the --- and then contains types element:
--- types: - ... - ...
key - contains a unique entity type identification. There is a convention for it:
all letters written in capitals (upper case)
with - between words. There is inheritance functionality between entity type. A . can be used to identify it. The example shows that ACCOUNT.ADMIN inherits data, functions, attachments, calendars, links, locations, ratings, states, tags and comments specification from the ACCOUNT type.
- key: ACCOUNT
name - see at Names
pluralName - see at Names. This name will be used in menu and application card.
isApp - tag used to identify that this entity type will be shown as Application in the menu:
Picture 19
isAbstract tag uses to identify that this entity type will not have real Domain Objects.
isAvatarEnabled tag uses to identify that this entitis will have avatar or not.
fastSearch - see at Fast Search
icon - name of Google material system icon
dataSpec and dataForm tags - used for the entity data specification and visualization. form-playground page can be used in the Administration panel for experiments and testing of the available functionality.
Picture 20. Form Playground
3. Fast Search
Fast Search functionality used to speed up entities selection on the application page:
Picture 21. Fast Search
query - search query based on Query Syntax.
name - see at Names. Query will be interpreted as 'All', if name will not defined.
4. Names
Localized name via map structure
key - is ISO 639-1 code.
value - localized name.3.2.5
5. Functions
Functions block with a list of available extensions on the Entity detail block.
Picture 22. Functions
key - contains a unique function type identification. The convention is the same as for the type key.
name - see at Names
actionName - action button name for the default logic. See at Names
allowedStateKeys - list with allowed state keys. Allowed for all states if not specified.
inputSpec and inputForm tags - used for the function input parameters specification and visualization. form-playground page can be used in Administration panel for experiments and testing of the available functionality.
contextDataSpec and contextDataForm tags - used for the function context specification and visualization. form-playground page can be used in Administration panel for experiments and testing of the available functionality.
6. Attachments
Attachments block with a list of available attached content on the Entity detail block.
Picture 23. Attachments
key - contains unique attachment type identification. The convention is the same as for the type key.
name - see at Names
contentTypes - a list of acceptalbe content types. Logic is not implemented!
max - maximum count of attachmants with this type. Logic is not implemented!
size - maximum size for one attachment. Logic is not implemented!
7. Calendars
Calendars block on the Entity detail block.
Picture 24. Calendar
8. Links
Links block to the Entity detail block .
Picture 25. Links
key - contains unique link type identification. The convention is the same as for the type key.
name - see at Names
backName - see at Names for the back entity link displaying and naming
builderType - could be:
SEARCH - search with entity selection popup will be shown.
Picture 26
NEW - then Add new entity popup will be shown.
Picture 27
icon - name of Google material system icon
typeKey - reference to the root type of other entities. It is the same for hierarchy implementation.
max - maximum count of links with this type. Logic is not implemented!
9. Locations
Locations block on the Entity detail block.
Picture 28. Locations
key - contains a unique location type identification.The convention is the same as for the type key.
name - see at Names
max - maximum count of locations with this type. Logic not implemented!
10. Rating
Ratings block on the Entity detail block in the entity main information.
Picture 29. Rating
key - contains a unique location type identification. The convention is the same as for the type key.
name - see at Names
style - rating style:
5STARS - 5 Stars rating.
THUMB-UP - Thumb up rating. Logic not implemented!
THUMB-DOWN - Thumb down rating. Logic not implemented!
votes - maximum count of votes with this type from one user. Logic not implemented!
11. States
Entity state and next states block on the Entity detail block in Functions.
Picture 30. States
key - contains a unique state type identification for entity. The convention is the same as for the type key.
name - see at Names
icon - name of Google material system icon
color - hexidecimal color for the state on screen.
next - list of allowed states for transition.
stateKey - next entity state key for transition.
name - see at Names
Tags block of the Entity detail section in the entity main information.
Picture 31. Tags
key - contains a unique tag type identification for entity. DEFAULT only available right now.
name - see at Names
Comments block on the Entity detail block.
Picture 32. Comments
key - contains a unique tag type identification for entity. DEFAULT only available right now.
name - see at Names
14. Example